


要实现这一点,您可以使用`set_time_limit()`方法来设置限制。例如: ```python from pyttsx3 import * # Create the speech synthesizer engine engine = create() # Get an instance of the text-to-speech engine voices = getVoice("en") # For English voice text = "This is a test." print(f"Text to be spoken: {text}") voice = voices[0] msg = msggrind(text) outputStream = Clientspeaker(voice=voice) while True: try: timeLimit = int(input("\tWhat would you like me to do at this time? (1/2/3/4/5):")) if timeLimit < 6 or timeLimit > 7: print("I'm sorry, I don't understand your input.") else: break except ValueError as e: print("Sorry, invalid input. Please enter a valid number between 1 and 7. ", e) if timeLimit == 1: outputStream.playback(msg) elif timeLimit == 2: outputStream.record(msgrandom()) elif timeLimit == 3: outputStream.record(msgrandom(), len_of_audio=90) elif timeLimit == 4: outputStream.record(msgrandom(), length=90) else: outputStream.record(msgrandom()) ```

如果您想在一个特定的时间启动音频日记,请确保已启用"开始/停止录音"功能。然后按照以下步骤操作:1) 点击右上角的三个点图标;2)选择 "设置和个人化">>"开始/停止录制";3 ) 调整时区以适应您的本地时区;4 ) 单击保存更改按钮即可完成此任务。

如果您想在一个特定的时间开启语音备忘录,请使用命令"set voice memo time
